Vucic: Vaccination against COVID-19 started in Leposavic today

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic announced that the vaccination against COVID-19 via the Serbian health system began in the north of Kosovo today.

Vucic revealed that the vaccination began today in the Health Center in Leposavic – which was also confirmed by the Serbian Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar. The Serbian President also said that the vaccination would begin in North Mitrovica during the day.

It remains unknown, however, who exactly or how many people will be vaccinated.

Serbia started its coronavirus vaccination program yesterday – the users of gerontology centers in Belgrade were the first to be vaccinated. Vaccination in Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac also began today.

The first doses of the American-German vaccine Pfizer BioNTech arrived in Serbia earlier this week, while new doses are expected on January 4th and January 11th, Vucic announced today.

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